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Past Papers Archive: art and design gcse

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Here are 8 results for art and design gcse:

1. GCSE_subject_content_for_art_and_design.pdf
Art and Design GCSE content - Welcome to GOV.UK 3 The content for art and design GCSEs Introduction 1. The GCSE subject content sets out the knowledge, understanding and skills common to all GCSE specifications in ...

2. AQA-8201-SOW.PDF
GCSE Art and Design Art, Craft and Design Scheme … Scheme of work: Art, craft and design This resource provides you with a scheme of work for a two year course of study in Art, craft and design, leading to our GCSE ...

3. GCSE_ArtDesign_Spec_2016.pdf
GCSE (9-1) Art and Design - Pearson qualifications Contents 1 Introduction 2 Why choose Edexcel GCSE Art and Design? 2 Supporting you in planning and implementing this qualification 3 Qualification at a glance 4

4. iGCSEteachersupport1.pdf
IGCSE Art & Design Edexcel International Art and Design - Subject Advisor Training - 2010 IGCSE Art & Design IGCSE Exemplar Materials New Specification Fine Art 4FAO

5. 2017-FINAL-VERSION-10-GCSE.pdf
GCSE Art and Design - GCSE Art and Design Course Details Edexcel GCSE Art and Design Exam Details There will be a full mock exam in preparation for the GCSE and work completed over

6. download.asp?file=222&type=pdf
ART AND DESIGN Type of Qualification: GCSE (AQA) ART AND DESIGN Type of Qualification: GCSE (AQA) How it is assessed: 60% coursework 40% final examination project Course Overview: The course takes the form of …

7. 82477-specification.pdf
OCR GCSE Art and Design – J160 (QAN: 500/4681/0). GCSE 2012 Art and Design Specifications J160 – Combined Areas of Study J161 – Fine Art J162aphic Communication – Gr J163 – Lens and ...

8. Art-and-Design-Revision-Notes
GCSE - Parents 4 GCSE Art and Design What art materials do I need? As GCSE Art and Design (unendorsed) is a broad-based course, you could be studying a range of

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